标准作业指导书 Mouldproof Turnover Solutions for Chair |
工作流程 Working process |
一、作业前准备Preparation 1.竹木防霉剂iHeir-PT 2. 喷壶Sprinkling can 3. 毛刷 Brush 4. 防霉除臭片Power Pak 5. 美工刀 Art knife 6. 新PE袋 New PE bag 7. 封箱胶 Scotch tape |
二、操作步骤 Operation Procedure 1. 拆开纸箱:使用美工刀将封箱透明胶划开,刀片不可划破产品
1. Opening the Packaging box: cut the scotch tape with an art knife, and do not cut the product carelessly.
2. 从纸箱中取出产品:产品轻拿轻放,不要损坏包装材料及产品 Taking out the product from the box: product should be handle with care. Do not damage the packaging box and product.
3.从PE袋中取出产品:注意产品轻拿轻放,不要损坏产品 Taking out the product from PE bag: pay attention to handle the product gently, and do not damage the product.
4.使用喷壶将竹木防霉剂iHeir-PT 喷于产品发霉处(木架与布料),用毛刷清理霉菌:产品轻拿轻放,霉菌清洗干净(注意产品缝隙处,彻底清除干净) Spraying iHeir-PT on the mildewed points(wooden support and cloth) with a sprinkling can ,then brushing the mildewed points: handle the product gently, and mildew should be cleaned and sterilized comprehensively(Pay special attention to the invisible seams and clean them thoroughly)
5. 再次使用竹木防霉剂iHeir-PT全面喷涂产品,作防霉处理,并自然晾干 Spray iHeir-PT on the surface of the product thoroughly for anti-mildew once again, and air-dry it.
6.使用竹木防霉剂iHeir-PT喷涂纸箱内壁2-3下 Use iHeir-PT to spray the inner wall of the box 2-3 drops.
7.包装:将产品装入新的PE袋中,放入Power Pak(椅子底部),将产品按原样装箱打包 Packaging: update the previously used PE bag and put the finished product in it, and put a piece of Power Pak into the bag( under the wooden support). Pack the product as the original one.
三、注意事项: 1. 竹木防霉剂iHeir-PT在使用之前摇匀(表面有悬浮物属于正常现象) 2.该产品是安全环保的,但不排除个别人在皮肤接触后有过敏反应。因此,我们推荐使用橡胶手套来操作,如不小心溅入眼睛,马上用大量清水冲洗
Attention for iHeir-PT 1. Shake well before use (Flotation on the surface is a normal phenomenon). 2. This product is non-toxic, but it does not exclude some people having skin contact allergy. Therefore, it is recommended to use with rubber gloves.If the solution contacts with eyes by accident, rinse with clean water immediately and go to hospital at once.